Monday, November 14, 2011

Men and Women need to Think Sensitively

As human beings, both men and women need to be sensitive and need others to react sensitively with them when they encounter difficult situations in life. Being insensitive almost makes any human interaction worse and leaves at least one party feeling inadequate and not respected.

When people don't have their feelings validated and respected animosity builds causing positive communication to break down. This is especially true in male-female intimate relationships. Men and women's different sensitivity styles can cause major problems in relationships and is one of the main causes of divorce.

The goal in all human interaction is always to find emotional common ground and this requires the right amount of sensitivity and understanding with each other!

How Women Become Hyper Sensitive

Typically, women don't have very much difficulty feeling sensitive and expressing emotions to each other. However, they can sometimes have the opposite problem as men do. Many women can think sensitively all the time, 24/7 365, and they can also be like a sponge for other people's emotions. This can overload a woman's emotional capacity as she becomes more and more hypersensitive and in extreme cases can lead to mental breakdown.

Women must keep their sensitivity in check. From an early age they are taught the opposite from boys. They are told that it's okay and even beneficial to be sensitive and to feel a whole spectrum of emotions. Even the cartoons and movies that are marketed for little girls are more focused on making friends and being nice to each other.

As girls grow up they are under constant pressure. When they reach their teenage years they start emotionally maturing and they become hyper sensitive. Many teenage girls create clicks and have intense drama with rumors swirling which can be quite hurtful to their peers. Bullying among teenage girls is also common just like the boys, but they do it in a different way. Instead of showing pure aggression towards their victim, they emotionally attack the other girl and make basically make them feel worthless.

During this growth phase many women can become hyper sensitive and can feel like a cup that's full of water that can only empty by spilling over the edge. Sometimes if their loved ones are their peers are not supportive they can feel invalidated and can turn to addiction or can commonly be victims of abuse. When women accept being treated poorly it's almost always an emotional deficiency in them causing it. When this happens they learn that being sensitive can cause them pain.

As adults, some women that have emotional strife can become unfeeling just like their male counterparts in an attempt to shut off their sensitivity. They become angry too but this is unproductive and very unhealthy.

How Men Become Insensitive

From an early age young boys are taught to suppress their emotions and sensitive tendencies. They are trained by their fathers, other male role models, the media, and their peers that to be sensitive is to be weak. These same boys turn into men and have difficulty in life, particularly in intimate relationships. The root of their problem is their inability to show emotion and feel it themselves. This training men received early on causes them to have their sensitive side tuned out. When they are emotionally distant then loved ones in their life feel stranded with no support and the emotional food that we all need - to have our feelings validated by someone we intimately care about.

This is really the core isn't it. We must feel validated emotionally and men are taught early to reject this notion. Men teach each other that they can somehow survive on this empty tank of emotions. It's not sustainable or realistic and this is why so many divorces stem from an emotionally distant man.

There is one emotion that is widely accepted in the male community and that is Anger. Men accept and even encourage young boys and their peers to be aggressive and express their anger. This is unhealthy and is helps boys become violent. This social training is the reason why male bullying is so prevalent in our school system. They are taught that they can use their anger to overpower weaker males and are basically getting emotionally validated by force. This is very unhealthy!

Angry, emotionally out of touch men are also part of the reason why wars get started. Just look at history. Behind every major world conflict there have been plenty of aggressive insensitive men ready to fight to the death over anything. This male problem all leads back to an inability to show all emotions and to validate others.


I'm Justin. I live in Minneapolis, MN. I'm 30 years old, married, baby on the way (she's 18 weeks and counting, see our progress at my pregnancy blog - Baby in my Baby)

I'm an Emotionally Dynamic Male, a term I made up. I believe all men, and women for that matter, have the capacity to think sensitively. However, from an early age we learn to suppress these emotions. Boys and Girls do this for different reasons as they grow up.

I will talk more about Thinking Sensitively and how you can get more in touch with your sensitive side whether you are male or female, and whatever age you happen to be.

Thanks for reading!