Saturday, December 24, 2011

Find Love by Dating Sensitive People!


If you're a woman and you like the bad boy, in hollywood the bad boy is sexy right? But in real life the emotionally sensitive man is a MUCH better choice! The same goes for men with the bad girl. The emotionally sensitive woman is a far better choice and will make you more happy. The way she makes you feel emotionally will far surpass any physical attributes she might have. This is because sensitive people will be able to think about what you feel and even anticipate what you need emotionally. A sensitive partner will be able to validate your emotions with love and will create greater intimacy in your relationship. How to find a sensitive person you might ask? It's not always easy. Sensitive people like myself tend to be more introverted and are not as outgoing as other people. We might be the person in the room that has to most intelligent and insightful thing to say, yet we keep it to ourselves because we don't want to draw unnecessary attention and overshadow other people's feelings which is a big concern for sensitive people. If you're single, good luck on your relationship search either way and I hope you all can find happiness.

Remember that you might find love in the most sensitive places!

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